Going to college nowadays is no laughing matter. If you don’t have enough resources you won’t be able to attend a reputable university. Some people apply for a student loan just so they can finish their studies. Aside from the tuition fee, they’ll have to think about books and other school fees. But there’s one way to save on books and this is to rent instead of buy them. One trustworthy website that students can check to rent textbooks is Campus Book Rentals. Touted as one of America’s most promising companies by Forbes Magazine, they pioneered this business and a lot of students all over the US enjoy their services. Anyone can rent books even if they’re not students.
Signing up for an account is totally free and they’re many perks when students do so. Not only will they save a lot of money (save 40-90% off of bookstore prices), they’ll be able to have the chance to keep the books by simply paying the difference. Shipping is free when you receive and return the books. Another good thing about Campus Book Rentals is that they have a variety of flexible rental periods to choose from (130/85/55 days) with a grace period of 15 days. Students can also highlight in their rented textbooks.
Probably the best thing about this company is that they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented. This is an organization that performs reconstructive cleft lip surgeries on children from poor families. This charity is worth helping because they really make a difference in children’s lives. They also have the RentBack program wherein students can rent out their textbooks to other students and make as much as 4x more money. Every time your books get rented, you’ll get paid. Simply ship your books for free to Campus Book Rentals. It’s amazing how you can save and earn at the same time in this website.
Watch the video on top to learn more about RentBack.Com
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